Sunday, July 17

More Historical Fiction from Francine Rivers!

Since I discovered Francine Rivers 2 years ago, I have become spoiled with amazingly well-written, life-changing, inspirational fiction. All of her historical books are so well researched that you feel like you're truly there. This is no fiction that was written quickly... it was well thought out and thought-provoking.

Her Mother's Hope is the 1st book in the 2-book series "Marta's Legacy."  I liked this book better than the 2nd and I think that's because I love historical fiction.  The more vintage it feels, the better!  This book begins in pre-WWI Switzerland with a young girl, Marta, who's struggling with a lot of problems in her home--everything from an abusive father to a pampered, weak but loving sister.  Marta is definitely a strong woman.  I can't say I like her character, but her story is interesting and she ends up having an amazing daughter who I absolutely love in this book.  In the next book, well... she's just not who she was in the 1st and that's a disappointment.  All of the women in these books have terrible communication issues--they seem unable to tell and show their daughters they love them.  It's heart-breaking.  The final conclusion of the story in the 2nd book is wonderful, though, when that chain is finally broken.

I enjoyed these books, but not as much as Francine Rivers other series "The Mark of the Lion" which I recommend more highly than any of her others.

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