Friday, March 6

Brave Girls Pre-Teen 2-book Devo #Giveaway

Having struggled against demanding perfection of myself, and wanting others to see me as "perfect" no matter the cost in the not-distant-enough past, I love the theme of these devotional books!  If there's a book out there that will help my daughters to realize God doesn't demand perfection of them, the book "Better Than Perfect" is it!  "Faithful Friends" is likewise a wonderful book.  Each is filled with 90 devotions that take up only a page.  Short and sweet.  Now more about each of these books: 

Better than perfect: that’s what every girl is in God’s eyes.
A young girl’s doubt in her own self-worth starts from an early age. Am I pretty enough? Am I smart enough? Will I fit in? Do people like me? Am I worthy enough? These aren’t questions asked by teens, but from precious girls in grade school! Brave Girls Faith and Honor will help girls navigate these questions and learn just how wonderful they are!
This book will help young girls find their place in the world and learn that the beauty of their imperfections is what makes them unique, loved, precious, and “better than perfect” in God’s eyes.
Each devotion includes:
  • A relevant opening scripture from the Bible
  • A thought-provoking devotion to build a young girl’s spirit
  • An engaging closing prayer to help the reader navigate her day!
Faithful Friends, forever true . . . hearts together, me and you!
From the time they are babies, some little girls reach out to those around them, smiling, laughing, playing, and making friends. Others might find it a little tough. This new Brave Girls book will reinforce a young girl's desire to have friends, to BE a friend, and to help her share her faith with friends of all ages. Just as God is our “Forever Friend,” faithful and true, the Brave Girls take readers through these pages, encouraging her to be best friend she can be!
Each devotion includes:
A relevant opening scripture from the Bible
  • A thought-provoking devotion to encourage a faithful and friendly heart
  • An engaging closing prayer to help the reader become the ambassador of friendship God wants her to be!
My Brave Girl

Who is your favorite bible girl?  Or what is your daughters favorite thing to do with her best friend?
Giveaway ends 3/16. 

Special thanks to the wonderful people at Tommy Mommy for providing me with this opportunity!


  1. What a Great Giveaway! I would love this for my daughter! Thanks1

  2. This looks like an awesome book :) I love the stories of strong women in the Bible!

  3. I would love to share this with my granddaughter. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  4. I would love to win this for my daughter.

  5. Thank you for doing this giveaway! It's definitely an amazing one, the book looks great, and I'd love to win it for my daughter! I love that it's geared more towards girls. It's perfect!!

  6. This would be great for my 4 year old.

  7. Sandra M6:09:00 AM

    I would love this book for Julia

  8. I follow you on twitter @lisylis3

  9. I don't have a favorite lady from the bible, but Id like to win this for my girls

  10. I am excited for this! I love new books for my girls to help them grow in their faith!

  11. Esther was my fave. I'm sure my little girl will love this

  12. My princess would love this.

  13. I want ot read this then pas it on to my niece.

  14. Ruth is one of my favorites

  15. It is a hard choice but I love the story of Ruth

  16. Mary would be my favorite.

  17. Awesome giveaway! Ruth is my favorite!

  18. my girls love to read this would be great for them

  19. My favorite is Mary. The Magnificat in the Gospel of Luke is one of my favorite passages.

  20. This looks like a lovely book for girls!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  21. This looks like it would be a great book for my daughter!

  22. My girls would love this!!

  23. Veronica cummings7:39:00 PM

    I love Mary!

  24. These look like books my daughter would love to read. I appreciate clean reads for my daughter and these look great!

    Les Johnson

  25. My 8 year old daughter loves to read and we are always looking for good inspirational book series. This is so exciting as we had not heard of the Brave Girls books before. I appreciate the review! My daughter's favorite thing to do with her best friend is to climb trees and talk.

  26. My niece likes to play Barbies. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  27. I know several girls who would love these books.

  28. These would be great books from my granddaughters

  29. My daughter would love these books, thank you!

    1. Congrats, you're the winner! E-mailing you now. :)

  30. veronica cummings3:30:00 PM

    My daughter loves to do crafts with her friends.

  31. These books sound perfect for helping a young girl learn to love themselves as they are and not what others think they should be and for them to learn that God is there forever and as they are friend . Very nice books, and subject.

  32. Their favorite thing is dance. They take the same dance class together and also practice dance moves.

  33. This would be a special book for girls to read!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  34. My daughter loves to bike with her friends.

  35. Congrats to Natalie, the winner of this giveaway!
